Seriously thought Cotty, congratulations and we hope to see the whole family
at GFM 04.  We've room for you all, even if we have to move Jerome and Cesar
to tents :-)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Cotty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Pentax List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2003 5:22 PM
Subject: Letter from Scotland - Day 5

> Well folks, I haven't read the backlog of PDML digests, but full marks to
> Wendy Beard for emailing me direct with the *triumph* clue (yes, the
> Triumph Stag). [addendum: apparently also to Bob W for the bad jokes -
> Jostein reading his real time posts as i write...]
> Up early due to the din of a JCB (tractor and backhoe to the yanks)
> building next door at 07:35, but we made it to Inverness for our
> important appointment. My S.O. of nearly 17 years, Alma, and I were
> married at Inverness Registry Office at high noon, followed by a
> reception at a 1st class restaurant (The Riverhouse). Jostein and Vera
> Oksne witnessed, and photographic evidence was obtained by a 645n and
> 75mm (Jostein), a Powershot G2 (Stefan), and an Optio S (Jostein). Here's
> a link direct to a pic from the Optio:
> <>
> Jostein won;t thank me for that because it bypasses his frames and goes
> straight to the page (I loathe frames), but to keep him happy, here's the
> proper link:
> <>
> navigate at the left towards 'Scotland'....
> Most of the day was taken up with the nuptials and only this evening did
> we all go out for a walk down to the river near the chalet we are staying
> in. While the kids threw stones into the water, Jostein managed a few
> frames before he, of course, had to show them how to skip a flat one
> across the steam.
> I shot loads.
> Thanks in advance for all your cangratulations - I'll read each and every
> post and reply to all, asap......
> Meanwhile, I think we're supposed to consummate the marriage in some way
> or other......
> ;-)
> Cheers,
>   Cotty
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