Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2003 06:50:20 -0400
From: "Kathleen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Not only did the tech not know about extension
tubes, but he was 
> arrogant,
as well.  I've never had to call them about anything
before, but when 
> you
get that kind of treatment for just asking a simple
question (including 
> not
> getting an answer), I'm sorry I invested in their
equipment at all.  

The trouble is to get through to the right person. A
few month ago I odered a replacement rail for my slide
copier attachment.  

When I called Pentax they gave me answers like this :
"I don't know what this is"; "we don't have it ; "we
don't make it anymore" ; "it does exist only in Japan"

Finally I came through to a person who obviously was
something like a replacement part store keeping
manager who told me: "of course we have it"  ... I got
the rail the next day.   

The upshot from this is: Be nasty and insistent

In my impression their sales management is poorly
trained. Some of them don't seem to know much about
their own products. 

> In
addition, I phoned them on Friday at about 10:00 a.m.
their time.  He 
> told
me that they were closing for the day in 2 hours (nice
> hours for 
> customer
service), and maybe they would call me back on Monday
if someone knew 
> the
> answer to my question.
> Kathy L.

I think you would get the same kind of treatment by
many other companies these days. Service costs are
high with no ~immediate~ turn around. 


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