Graywolf wrote:
> Intersesting, the D100 doesn't sell, they are pilling up
on the dealers
> shelves?

Where did I write that the D100 doesn't sell?  Where did I
write that they are piling up on the dealers' shelves?  What
I actually wrote was:

> >The deal seems to be
> > that Nikon get to sell surplus components (the sales of
> > D100 are disappointing), Pentax gets a DSLR without
> > investing a lot of money, in return for lagging behind
> > state of the art technology by at least one year.

Don't forget that manufacturers order component quantities
on the basis of *projected* sales.  I suggested that the
D100 was selling some way below its projections, not that it
didn't sell.

> How can sales as fast as you can make something be

As fast as they can make?  Not according to my information.
And Nikon won't make more cameras than they can sell, so
they need an outlet for the CCDs and other electronic
components that they pre-ordered but aren't using.  Step up
Pentax, who can soak up all the excess (and probably lots
more!).  Makes good business sense.

Best regards,


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