You're right, of course, but for the "average" photographer, as most of
us are, being able to take 50+ flash-assisted photographs in one furious
session, and after that being able to take twice that many if you want
to...all on a single set of batteries, well, that's quite impressive!
How many of us NEED to take 200 to 400 photographs in a single session,
especially a lot of them with flash?
It shows not just how battery technology has come along, but how camera
manufacturers have fine-tuned their products to be more and more
efficient consumers of precious battery power!
The more I read about the little Optio S, the more I'm tempted to buy
one just to carry around with me, everywhere I go!

keith whaley

Heiko Hamann wrote:
> Hi Bill,
> on 09 Aug 03 you wrote in pentax.list:
> >I had a pleasant surprise this evening.  I shot 53 "frames" in the Optio
> >S at a wedding reception, used flash on all 53 and still had over 1/2
> >charge left in the battery.
> That's very fine for such a tiny camera. But you should try an Optio
> 450/550 it gives you 200-400 pictures (depenent on flash usage) with one
> battery!
> Cheers, Heiko

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