It _IS_ a nasty beast isn't it.

We've had it going on at work all day - patching systems.  Most are not
compromised due to the backward nature of our company (most desktops are
still running NT4 Workstation) so we're looking to lock down on the laptops
running XP and 2000.  It's killing XP laptops though - as the worm was
designed with XP in mind but will attack NT and 2000 as noted.

Win95, 98, Mac and WinME *shudder* are not affected.

Weird thing is - I've left both my systems on all day - hooked up 24-7 to
the net, and one of them is running Win2K server.
Neither system was compromised and I've just finished patching and updating
virus definitions. Both systems run behind an older 3 Com DSL router which,
may have staved off the worm enough for me to survive without patches on the


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rob Studdert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 7:26 PM
> Subject: Re: OT Virus warning (no hoax beleive me) :-(
> On 12 Aug 2003 at 18:59, Brendan wrote:
> >  I have removed this little pest from 10 pcs so fr
> > today, man too bad I can't charge money for doing this
> > ( or maybe I can ).
> Thoughtfully is makes it's self apparent, the nasty bit is that
> once the system
> is compromised the details of your IP address etc are posted on a
> public chat
> relay so anyone can use the info. Very clever as it shuts down
> RPC access to
> the owner of the 'puter so you can't even force the trojan to
> shut down. It's
> being felt world wide, I got my dose yesterday and I run no MS
> products for
> browsing or mail. My mail client is virus resistant and I haven't
> used virus
> protection on this system for at least seven years and I've not
> been infected
> until now. Good luck.
> Rob Studdert
> Tel +61-2-9554-4110
> UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
> Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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