Hi, Jerome,

If you're heading out West on Aug 31, you'll likely not be hitting the Centre of
the Universe (aka Toronto) until after mid-September at the earliest.  Too bad,
because I'll likely be out of this outpost by then.

I mean, the other TOPDML guys (sadly, there are no gals) will still be here, but
clearly, I'm the "fun guy" of the group.  <vbg>

But seriously, 't'would've been nice to meet ya.  OTOH, if you could extend your
route slightly eastward after TO - like to Nova Scotia...  Uh, never mind.


jerome wrote:

> Well, it's official: I'll be starting my trek to Seattle on August 31. Gosh,
> planning this trip (during which I'll be tent camping most of the way back) is
> *way* more work than I anticipated... but it's finally coming together. My
> route has changed several times, but it's beginning to firm up a bit. The trip
> back has also stretched from 10-15 days to 20-25 <yikes!>. Sounds good now...
> but we'll see what I think about that once I'm on the road. Camping just a
> couple of nights in West Virginia last week (before I headed to GFM) wore me
> out!... but I think that was mostly all the moving I did the 5 days before.
> Anyhow, Here's my current dilemma: I'd like to stay in Seattle for a bit
> longer. However, being an urban area, I may not be able to do so due to cost
> (even the hostels run about $25-$30 per night since it's metro). Does anyone
> have a place I could stay for about 2 nights? (a 2nd cousin's uncle's
> girlfriends sister's place?) If I can't find anyplace cheap to close my eyes
> for a few hours a night, then I'll have to start heading for the national parks
> sooner than I'd like... which is not a terrible thing, I suppose... but more
> time in the city (at the zoo, in particular) before I scurry into the woods
> would be nice.
> Thanks in advance...
> By the way... so far the trip back east is looking like Washington --> (thru
> Idaho... no potatoes, thanks) ---> Montana --> Wyoming --> Colorado -->
> Nebraska --> Iowa -->  Illinios --> Michigan --> Toronto --> NY --> back to PA.
> The longer (4+ days) stops will be MT,WY and CO... unless, of course, the
> members of TOPDML decide to show me some love <g>.
> Gotta run. Thanks again,
>              jerome

"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears
it is true." -J. Robert

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