
Got back to the USA on Saturday night.  Back home Monday night.  I
subscribed in time to hear about the Camera Clinic I missed at GFM :-(  I
had a friend take a shot with the Optio S to show why I could not make the
clinic.  Two shots and they were both blurry.  I guess he could not stand
still!  And it was early in the morning, so he had not had a beer yet:-)

I am already about 300 messages behind!!!  But it looks like the *ist D talk
has subsided quite a bit . awwwww, and I missed it all :-)  I am sure my
Pentax rep will fill me in on the particulars of the camera.  Wonder if it
will arrive in time for either the sprint triathlon or the seafood and
pirate festival I help put on in September...

Anyway, I will be active on the list (promises, promises), but it will have
to wait.  I am headed to Bristol race track in Tennesse on Friday afternoon.
And through some quirk or another I have to take a private jet with five
other people to get there ;-)  We are supposed to be in some private suite
there - it does not look like I will get down to any of the areas for some
good photography chances.  I will have to be happy with people photography
during the race, while eating and imbibing.  I am not a fan, but it should
be interesting.  I will be attending both the Friday night and Saturday
night races.  A new experience and of course with cameras in tow.

Back in town on Sunday...

Had a blast in Roatan.  Shot seven rolls underwater with a Nikonos V with
the SB-101 strobe.  I ended up doing eight dives with two of them being at
night.  This is an incredible learning experience.  The worst is having to
wait to see how I did.  There was just one other person there with an
underwater camera.  It was a housed Olympus digital.  It was fun to see the
shots after the dive.  They wanted to see my shots, especially with the
strobe I was using.  They had no external strobe and thus were limited in
shooting distance.

The LXen had a workout with ten rolls going through them.  All the shots
should be ready on Friday, but I will have to wait until Monday to see them
:-(  Oh yeah, by the way, people really loved the snake skin.  TV - even
internationally, women like the cameras :-)

I am in the process of getting some pages up recounting the trip with the
shots from the Optio S up on the web.  For those interested, I will post
once completed.  I took about 200 shots with the Optio S.  I could have
probably sold about four or five of them.  I did not bother with
downloading, just carted two 256MB cards with me.  Recharged the battery
three times while there, and only probably needed to do it twice.

Well, I have rambled enough - have to get back to work.

Lurking for the moment,

Panama City, Florida

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