Hi Frank,

I just read this (taking me awhile to catch up on my PDML). It's a bummer, especially having to temporarily move away from your kids.

But hey, like you said—it's big opportunity, too (got to be better than ending up a flat, frozen popsicle).

Hang in there.


On Thursday, August 7, 2003, at 04:09 PM, frank theriault wrote:

Well, not really a "mid-life crisis" per se, but I'm in my mid-life, and
this is close to a crisis! <g>

A few of you know that the bike courier biz has really gone down the
tubes in the last year or so.  In fact, my income has dropped by over
30%, such that not only has my discrectionary income disappeared, but
making ends meet has become a problem.

Given my age, the fact that I've been riding a bike for a living for
about 71/2 years, and since I've been promising myself for the last 3 or
4 winters that I'm not going to do another winter, I've decided to start
life anew.

I've given my notice at work (effective Aug 31), and given my notice on
my apartment (effective Sept 30), and will be moving down to Nova Scotia
to stay with my Mom and Sis for a while. I've come to the conclusion
that I can't find a job while I work at the current one, and I can't
afford to live in Toronto if I'm not working. Besides, I need a
vacation in the worst way - living from pay to pay is very draining.

So, mid-September or so, I'll be off on an adventure (unfortunately,
moving away from my kids, which I'm not happy with), and we'll see where
I end up, and what I end up doing! Will likely only be away from PDML
for a couple of days or a week - mom has a computer. <g>


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