Paul -

Interesting table. Just to fill in a gap or two, I have a Vivitar 28 f2 (not the close focuing one) - minimum focusing distance is 1 meter, 6 aperture blades.

I ran some test with it when I first got the lens - I'd have to say it is a so-so performer. I recently added a Rikenon 28 f2.8 to the bag, and it is a surprisingly good lens.

-- MCC

At 07:48 PM 3/9/01 -0500, you wrote:


I don't own the Vivitar Close Focus 28/2; that's a different lens, more
closely related to the Kiron than to the Series 1 1/9. However, here are
the specs for seven fast third-party K-mount 28s, shown together with
Pentax's 28/2 offerings:


Vivitar 28/2   ? in.     (? in.)         (?)  f/16      55mm      <2   ??
08   ?/?  ?    79-??          No

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Mark Cassino
Kalamazoo, MI
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