Graywolf wrote:
>The new Olympus E1 is aparently going to be a mid-line
> camera with no upgrade potential.

I don't know where you got that from, Tom.

The E1 will be one of several DSLRs in the Olympus range.
It is a "prosumer" camera and there will be at least one
model below it and one above.

The obvious comparison might appear to be the Pentax *ist D,
which apparently will also have at least one model below and
one above.  However the E1 is pitched rather higher in the
market than the *ist D.

Of course Olympus' and Pentax's future plans will depend on
how their cameras sell, and right now that is a moot point.

I'm waiting to see how the market develops in the next 12
months before deciding which system to invest in.  It will
take at least that long to see whether the Olympus gamble
(the 4/3" die size chip) will have paid off.

In the meantime, my Olympus E-10 is proving to be a
marvellous working tool.  It is probably the best investment
I ever made in photo gear.


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