On Saturday, August 23, 2003, at 07:21 AM, Lon Williamson wrote:

My wife's sister died suddenly, and I am in receipt of a passle
of JPEGS from which to select pictures to print and pass out at
a service in her memory.  My wive is asking for 5x7 prints of
a recent portrait of her sister.

The pictures were taken with one of those Sony digitals that
write to floppy and have a max resolution of 640x480.

I have any number of photoshop techniques to enhance resolution,
including genuine fractals.  I've never used any of them because
my 3600 DPI film scanner has produced satisfactory prints up to
8x10 without resorting to "rezzing up" techniques.

Any advise on this?  I could easily waste hours trying for the
best possible method.

Thanks in advance, gang.


Hi Lon,

Sorry to hear about your family's loss.

Try making a couple of test prints, 1 using Photoshop to enlarge, and 1 using your printer's scaling function—see if either one produces a good enough image (surprisingly, sometimes they can do a fairly decent job by most non-photogs standards). Something else you can try is enlarging in photoshop by very increments and judicious use of the blur and unsharp mask commands along the way.

Good luck,


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