Christian Skofteland wrote:
> Pål;
> Now I know why you don't think the ist-D is a nice looking
camera.  You
> obviously have much different tastes than a lot of people
I know.  The Leica
> R8 and R9 are two of the most beautifully designed SLRs.
The ist-D is an
> average looking "modern" SLR; there is nothing pretty
about it or ugly about
> it.  It's "just a camera"  whereas the R8 and R9 are bold
and interesting
> (if not massive; not a good or bad point, just a point)


The Leica R8 and R9 look ugly to most photographers I know.
They even look ugly to me, and I like and admire Leica gear,
although I have only ever used Leica M gear, some of which
looks very beat up (and it is!).

But pick up an R8 or R9, instead of just looking at them,
and everything changes.  They fit the hands beautifully, and
all the controls seem to be optimally placed.  As a working
tool I can think of few cameras that will handle as well,
and none better.

Unfortunately I will probably never earn enough to justify
the cost of a Leica R outfit for my work.  But I can dream
of my two-body R9 outfit with fifteen lenses and a digital
back ... plus the Lottery winning ticket that "bought" it
for me!



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