Personally I think there are already far too many themed galleries.

I wasn't a great fan of the 'Synchronicity' concept when it was first
introduced, and by now it's an idea that is more than a little overworked.

As can be seen by the way that many of the entrants play fast-and-loose
with the themes anyway, it's not a particularly serious restriction. So
why bother with it? 

I can see a few special-concept galleries during the year (maybe 3 or 4),
with perhaps more (or less) stringent rules on what is done post-exposure.
And the occasional concept them _does_ often force you to think outside
your normal photographic habits. But we've already lost 50% of the year
to themed galleries - that's more than enough.

And while I'm sounding off:  I'm strongly opposed to "Digital" as a theme.
I can capture exposures with film, or with a CCD sensor.  I can manipulate
the image on my computer, or I can perform all sorts of tricks with cross-
processing, dodging, burning, and multiple exposures in the darkroom. The
end result should be what is judged, not the means used to get there.  Not
to mention the fact that having a specific "Digital" gallery rather sends
the message that digital images are less welcome in other months.

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