>> >n the US we refer to that color as "No Sale Green."
>> >
>> >John Francis wrote:
>> >
>> >Actually I think BRG might be out of place on a  mini.
>> For the record, John quoted my original post, and the line above came
>> from my sad digits.
>> Cheers,
>>   Cotty
>Oh no, Sir Cot... BRG and a Union Jack badge on the grill.  Perfect!

My *last* car story, I promise. When we lived in California, I remember
riding in a  red Mini as a young lad of about 9 or 10 - I think it was
owned by my dad's colleague - they were all in the British-American Club
in San Jose and did Sunday picnics etc. My dad had a yellow TR-3 :-) ...
anyway, in this red Mini there was a small notice on the dash board on
the passenger side that said:

'Do not open windows above 120 mph'

As a 10 yr old, you can imagine my eyes were pretty wide....



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