Gee, Corry, I had more to respond to.

Part Deaux:


Does PS really not support higher than 8 bit color or is there a setting I
need to change?  Should I care about this?

Some say doing initial color correction in 16 bits minimizes chances of "posterization". I will admit that image hisotgrams look better if you use 16 bits. However, for most images, I believe you will be _very_ hard pressed to find a difference between 8- and 16-bit corrections once you print them. I've done a fair amount of experimentation to determine this. Color experts say that printing gives "about 40 shades" of any one color, and 8-bit supplies 256. That implies that you could end up with a comb-tooth histogram and still supply more information than is useful to an inkjet or press.

Also, my scanner driver lists a lot of output profiles (e.g. generic
monitor, Kodak sRGB display, ProPhoto RGB, 8650 4 color photographic, light
GCR 360 cmyk US negative proofing).  I've been using the generic monitor
profile (the default) because don't know what these are. Of course, the
documentation is no help

PIE recommended using Kodak sRGB for my 3600. There was a readme file, not the user documentation, that pointed this out. Your milage may vary.


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