Ok, here's a good one....

I have an Auto Bellows A with double cable release.  I intend to use it on
my ist-D (whenever the hell it gets to the store!!!) and I figure it will
work in aperture priority or manual mode with the lens stopped down.

The double cable release allows the lens to stop down just before the
shutter is tripped on a camera with a threaded cable socket (like the LX) so
that the meter gets a stopped down reading and adjusts shutter speed via
aperture priority.

Now, the ist-D does not have a threaded cable switch; instead it relies on
the plug-in type like the "Pentax Cable Switch 205".

Being that I am not mechanically creative or inclined....  How would
so-inclined PDMLers solve this issue?

Here are my thoughts from easiest to how-the-hell-would-I-do-that:

1. (Obviously) stop the lens down with the cable release and trip the
shutter with a separate, electronic, remote release.
2. Somehow modify the electronic release with a screw-in thingy on the
button to make the original double cable release trip the shutter on the
camera as it was originally designed to do on cameras such as the LX.

any ideas?

TIA, I know I can count on some interesting responses!

Christian Skofteland

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