Pretty funny link, mac users with bandwidth to spare will especially enjoy it. <bg> <>

Matt Bevers wrote:

On Tuesday, September 9, 2003, at 09:43 AM, Collin Brendemuehl wrote:

Noting that IBM is building the G5 Macs, it looks like Apple is
(a) no longer able to produce quality products internally

Um, IBM makes the processors, apple designed the computer. Other components are also subcontracted out. AFAIK, apple has _never_ manufactured their own processors. Apple doesn't make their own hard disks either, does that mean they can't make "quality products internally"?

(b) forsaking the general consumer market and going primarily to the
computing professional (an expensive engineering system to compete
with the RS6000)

<sarcasm>Did production ceased on all other products when the G5 came out? Did apple stop selling sub-$1000 laptops? Did I miss the news?</sarcasm>

(c) needing an influx of $ so that M$ doesn't kill the company.

Apple's financials are in pretty good shape (I'm a stockholder) so they really aren't about to disappear any day now. In fact, any company, in any business will continue to exist - regardless of market share - as long as they can remain profitable. Those who disagree should take a look at a camera company called Pentax, maybe you've heard of it?

I hate being argumentative, and I hate people who blindly defend the mac, but I really hate it when people predict apple's demise without really understanding the company or its products.


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