
now there's only missing the F/FA 135/2.8[IF] in his comparison!
What do we know about it?

All the best

> Hi all,
> this is from Paul Fox who had an excellent response. He may join us, but for
> the moment couldn't work out how to join. I showed him the way...
> :-)
> Paul Delcour
> >From Paul Fox:
> I just found the thread on pentax discission forum but I don't know to
> reply..
> Anyway :
> I have made my expperiences with many Pentax 135 lenses :
> The 1.8 A, K2.5, K-Takumar 2.5, M42-Takumar 2.5, A 2.8, M 3.5
> First : The 1.8 is the best of them all but nearly noone will sell it  (by
> good reason !).
> The second best is the K 2.5 (that U mentioned being on ebay)
> The 3.5 is not THAT good (in my opinion) - and that is supported by a big
> 135 lens test in german ColorFoto magazin in the early 80's. There were
> nearly all 135mm lenses... (and they support my opinion about the K 2.5
> being one of the best 135 in the world and the 3.5 being good but not
> phantastic).
> The A 2.8 is really not a good lens !
> The M42-Takumar 2.5 I have is an SMC one and really great - but not on same
> level as K 2.5 (maybe because it's older and the SMC has been improved
> then). I use it with adaptor ring on my Canon EOS that I'm using too.
> The K Takumar is really not bad ! It's made quite fine, has built-in lens
> hood (the K 2.5 and M42-Takumar or 1.8 don't have ! you have to screw a lens
> shade on), is lighter, you have to beware of flare - you should leave the
> sun behind you - not in front, otherwise...
> o.K. : I've been making indoor sport shots with it and portraits as well and
> this lens lens was very good in both cases.
> I just sold it because I could get the K 2.5 and that is really heavy ! -
> but for indoor sports a little bit better (even not THAT much !).
> 40 EUR is a fair price for the Takumar !
> The K 2.5 mostly sells for 60-90 Euro on ebay.
> You have to decide whether this extra money is it worth for you !
> One thing : If you want to take portraits the K 2.5 may even be too sharp
> and contrasty - every line in the face can be seen. There the K-Takkumar is
> even smoother - many people liked portraits with the K-Takumar even better !
> Kind reagrds
> Paul Fox

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