graywolf wrote:
> 50mm is the normal lens for 135 cameras simply because that is what
> Barnack used on the first Leica.

Quite possibly true. Old Oskar did a lot of good things for
miniaturizing photography.

> The real reason something approximating the diaagonal of the the
> negative was originally chosen as the normal lens was simply because
> that was the cheapest lens that would give satisfactory results. 

Where does this little tidbit of info come from? 
I'd like to read the history on that contention myself.

> All the rest is gobbly-dee-gook made up by photography
> writer's over the years.

; ^)

You left out a few words like 'probably' and 'possibly' or 'presumably,'
and especially 'IMMHO,' Seņor Graywolf.

keith whaley
> Anders Hultman wrote:
> >
> > Ok, but why then 50mm and not 43mm? My parents sometimes say when we
> > talk about cameras that "in their times" 45mm was considered normal.
> --
> --graywolf

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