
Cotty wrote:

> I keep getting rejections

We know, we know..... 8-)

I think I will have to apologise generally for the error message people
will get if they email me.

The mail account I am using is routed through "JANET", the Joint
Academic NETwork of the UK.  A local router in the University of
Sunderland has suddenly decided to start producing spurious extra copies
of mails sent through it to any local address.  My record for individual
mail copies is over 120 at the moment.  I am still getting copies of
mails sent in the middle of August.  As you can imagine, this leads to a
situation where my mail box may fill up over, for example, a weekend,
resulting in "fail" messages.  This has already caused me to be
automatically unsubbed from PDML.

Confusingly, this "fail" message may refer to a mail that I have already
replied to.....

The situation has been ongoing since about mid July.  Says a lot for the
state of our academic system that a simple fault like this can be left
for so long.  It has caused me finally to take action to buy internet
access from home and I will be resubbing with a different address asap.

Once again, my apologies to anyone who has been inconvenienced by this.


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