The dar patch when using the pop-up flash is likely to be when you are
using the lens at a wide angle.  The pop-up flash is quite low, so the
end of the lens/hood casts a shadow below the bas of the camera.  If the
lens is set to 28mm then it will possibly include some of this shadow
area in the frame.  If you set the lens to 70mm, then you will likely
not see ane of this area.  It has nothing to do with tilting the camera,
as the flash and lens are still in the same position relative to each

Any external flash mounted on the hot shoe will sti a lot higher so
should not have the same problem.  There can still be a problem with
extreme wide angle lenses though, or particularly bulky ones.  This
should not be the case with the combo you have because I have this
lens/flash and never see it.  Mind you, I don't use the hood when I am
using flash - only use the hood occasionally when outside and rarely do
flash outside.  If you get something like the 17-35, which is quite big,
you may still get shadow problems though.

Finally bounce and wireless will be unlikely to cast a shadow from the
lens, but can get shadows depending what you point the flash at.  Point
it at the ceiling and you will generally be OK.  This could cast a
shadow under someone's chin though for example, because most of the
light may be coming from above, so point it at the ceiling at 45% and
pop out the little white reflector which will bounce a little of the
light direct at the subject to reduce this effect.  You will spend a lot
of time finding the best technique to suit you, and hopefully have a lot
of fun.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ryan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 15 September 2003 17:30
> Subject: AF 360 FGZ Flash & Sigma EX 28-70 2.8
> Hi everyone,
> I'm kinda new to this list, was wondering if anyone's bored 
> enough to help
> :)
> I've just got myself a good deal on the AF360FGZ to use with 
> with my MZ5n and a Sigma EX 28 70 2.8. I don't think I really 
> needed a flash, but it was a bargain. Anyway, not being too 
> familiar with flash photography, I'm looking for some good 
> sources to learn from on the web (if it's for the specific 
> flash, even better! though I couldn't find any). Anyone with 
> recommendations? Pity doesn't have a flash 
> photography section and though the forums are a wealth of 
> info, it's all over the place..
> Also, sometimes when I use the popup flash on the mz5n with 
> the Sigma Ex 28-70 2.8 (without the petal lens hood), I get a 
> semi-circle shadow at the bottom of the image. I figure this 
> is because the lens is kinda large (being constant 2.8 and 
> all), though I'm not sure if it happens when I tilt the 
> camera down or tilt the camera up when I shoot (the 
> semi-circle shadow isn't there in all instances) or if its 
> something else.. I was also wondering if using the flash as a 
> wireless slave (to work together with the popup flash) is 
> going to give me problems with that semi-circle too(by the 
> popup flash) (in which case I should forget about that setup)
> Last thing, if using the external flash mounted in the 
> hotshoe, is it expected that I should not use the petal hood, 
> or is the flash unit high enough to not cause any problems 
> (when in the scenarios of bouncing the flash or using it as 
> fill flash).
> I know the best way to find out is by trying it out on a test 
> roll of film, which I will get round to- I just want to 
> gather as much info as I can first. Thanks for your patience- 
> still learning :)
> Rgds,
> Ryan
> PS All tips and answers greatly appreciated, thanks. Any 
> comments about the Sigma EX 70 200 2.8 with this flash will 
> be useful too! :)

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