Hi all,

I have been reading the posts for around 5-6 months now. I have a 
Pentax ME Super with M50/1.7 (and a PZ-1 also which I don't use though). 

I now realize that I would like to have a longish zoom for taking
portraits of family, street photography, birds etc. Also, I have never
done macro but would want that feature as well. 

IIRC, from the past posts some good long zoom lenses are:

F 70-210 f/4-5.6
A 70-210 f/4
FA 80-320 f/4.5-5.6
Tamron 70-210 f/3.5  (manual focus?)
Tokina ATX 100-300 f/4 (manual focus?)
Vivitar Series I 90-180 f/4.5
Any other? 

. I am a hobbyist photographer, not even a serious amateur so build 
  quality need not be very strong since I shoot 1-2 roll a month. 
. Manual Focus is fine since I will primarily use ME Super. 
. I prefer the reach of 300 mm, if possible. 
. Want to spend less than $150 (whis is Indian Rs. 7000). 
. Want macro (will I need/use it?).
. Prefer not to be too heavy (less than 500g for sure)
. I don't mind non-Pentax.
. I had a Pentax 28-200 f/3.5-5.6 IF and wasn't extremely pleased with
  it so would want better optics.

Is anybody selling anything that will meet my requirements? I saw Wendy
is selling the A 70-210 f/4. Maybe that will be good since I bought my
ME Super from her :-)

Thanks so much!!

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