If you sent them 72dpi full res images why can't they resize them them selves? If you sent them downsized (resampled) images just resize to 300 dpi (uncheck resampling as you mentioned).

If they actually want a bigger file you can use the bicubic, stair-step, or genuine fractals to enlarge it. Probably what you will need to do is resize to 300dpi, then resample to about 8x12 @ 300dpi (2:1) bicubic works pretty well for that.


A new upstart horse magazine/website is interested in several pictures i took on the labour day weekend(reining show)and they have picked two from the emailed
proofs(low res at 72dpi)
They have asked for these to be sent at 300 dpi.I just want to make sure i do this right.

Pictures are from the Nikon D1 that are displayed in PS at 72dpi and size is roughly

To do this correctly,i should turn off the bicubic resample boxes at the bottom of the
image size screen,change the dpi to 300,which keeps the pixel sixe at the original of 2000x1312,and
will give me roughly a 4x6 sized photo.Does this sound correct or should i keep the boxes turned on
which makes for a rather large pixel sized picture.

Most of the stuff i have sent to other magazines have been film so this is new.


-- graywolf http://graywolfphoto.com

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