On 16/9/03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] disgorged:

>I suspect that many of you expect this, but what the hell, I'm nothing
>if not predictable, right?  <vbg>

I'll drink to that.

>This is a wonderful camera, as Cotty describes in this auction.  It's
>smaller than it looks in the photos - it looks to the unsuspecting
>subject like a little p&s, when in reality it's a serious photographic
>instrument.  The first Leica ever with ttl metering.  Just in case you
>do some research that questions it's reliability (the swinging meter
>cell was a problem), the current thought is that the bad ones broke
>early.  Pretty much all the ones still around are solid, and likely to
>continue going for a long time.

Thish man noes wut heesh tawkin about, hic.

>And, that lens!  By far the sharpest that I own.  Even over at LUG, it
>has a great reputation.  One of the best that Leica ever made, is how
>I've seen it described, and I believe it.
>You should bid on it now.   Cotty needs to get to GFM!!

LOL. Thanks Frank. If someone uses the BIN, I could even travel Club Class.

>BTW, Cotty, I do have the original hood (becoming more and more rare,
>btw, as the flexible rubber cracks over time), but I don't have a lens
>cap.  They're sooooo hard to find.  Maybe you sell me yours, and take it
>out of the auction?  (just kidding).

I never knew that. There's probably some rich Leica nut out there who
would buy it just for the cap and sell the rest on. Pentax owners
wouldn't stoop so low...........

>And, no, I'm not shilling for Cotty, but I think you owe me a beer for
>this one.  I just can't remember where we are on this drink thing.  I
>think about even.  Should we both make it to GFM next year, we'll just
>have to drink our faces off, buyer be damned!  <vbg>

I'll bring a shilling with me for your troubles Frank ;-) And a couple of
bottles of Wychwood's finest....

Thanks mate 


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