Gee, I sure hope the istD works better than WinME.

Lon Williamson wrote:

Mark, I think this is crap.
Pentax has been screwing with DLSRs for 4 years.
That's enough time to hatch, say, WindowsME.
And cameras ain't as hard as operating sytems.
Pentax may need to hire some more SW engineers.
Mebbe they can find some in Pakinstan.

Mark Roberts wrote:

"whickersworld" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Chris Brogden wrote:

So if the Nikon D100 will stop down an MF lens in manual mode (no meter), then it's actually a step ahead of the *istD, which won't even stop down an MF Pentax K-mount lens. That's sad.

Yes, it is sad.  In each case, the necessary engineering
would have cost only a nominal amount of money.

In the case of stop-down metering in the *ist-D I suspect that money wasn't as much of a factor as time. Even with the lack of the aperture simulator, stop-down metering certainly could have been implemented in software (using the DOF preview) but would have required more software coding, and the attendant debugging and hardware testing. Given the lateness of the DSLR project as a whole (just look at how much complaining there still is about having to wait) it was a predictable corner to cut simply to get the camera to market quicker.

-- graywolf

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