I love looking at all of the PUG monthly photos, but I do not feel qualified
to comment on the photos insofar as offering praise, criticism, or
suggestions for improvement.  What I think would work, if it would be
possible, is if there were some sort of a rating system (number 1-5, 5 being
the best) for the technical components such as composition that one could
rate each photo as they viewed it.  Perhaps there could be 2 or 3 different
technical things, and then there could be a place for people to check if the
photo is one of their top 3 or 5 favorite photos.  This would not take long
and could be done while viewing the photos.  Probably that would be hard to
set up.  The scoring would be something that just PUG members could access,
and the end of each month, the ratings for the top 10 or so could be posted.
Just a thought . . . probably not doable.

Kathy L.

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