Hi all,
            I decided this morning that I couldn't be bothered waiting
for the grip to arrive, so at lunchtime I wandered down to the Camera
Exchange to get the body. It turned out that they had been very busy
that week and simply hadn't had a chance to unpack the grip, check the
invoice for the price and call me. So Jo did the paperwork and the next
thing I heard was "ooh, that's expensive, over $450". After a couple of
minutes of consternation (I was expecting $300, tops) the invoice was
checked again and it turned out that this was the total price for the
two that they ordered in.  Relief all round. 
Jo then proceeded to knock another $70 off the price I was first quoted
and I walked out of the shop with body and grip for AUD$2845 which is
around US$1950 or US$80 more than if I walked into B&H and bought it. By
Australian standards that's a reasonable deal. One of the other local
retailers had one in the front window for $3300, body only, and I think
Leon said that he had to bargain his preferred seller down from $3000. 
Anyway enough gloating, except to say that I know what I'm going to be
doing with my weekend!
Paul Ewins
Melbourne, Australia

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