Were you shooting in auto exposure or manual exposure mode?  The exposure
appearing the same would seem to mean that the either the shutter speed or
ISO changed for the second exposure.  As for DOF, were you shooting
something near, or far away?


----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Friday, October 03, 2003 9:12 AM
Subject: *ist-D K Mount Question

> I was playing with an *ist-D and a K lens (the SMC 135 2.5).  Shots made
> open seemed to be exposed pretty well.  If I set the lens to a smaller
> aperture, I could see it stop down when the shutter was released.  But the
> exposure and depth of field on the picture appeared to be the same as when
> the lens was wide open -- that is, as if the picture was not taken at the
> same time that the lens was stopped down.
> Has anyone else noticed the same thing?  (Or perhaps my judgment of
> and depth of filed was just plain wrong, but I'd expect to see a pretty
> obvious difference between shooting at 2.5 and 32).
> Steve

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