>On Tue, 7 Oct 2003, Mark Roberts wrote:
>> > KEH.com is knee-deep in M lenses.  
>> But they can't keep later lenses in stock. This should tell us
>> something.
>OK, here's a question for those of you with broader experience of pentax
>lenses (I've used K, M, and A*)--are the "M" lenses the low-water mark
>of pentax optics? 

They are considered so by some, but I don't think it's an overly broad

> I would think either that or sales volume accounts for
> their prevalence on the used market.

I think it's mostly sales volume (the M lenses were from the era of the
ME and ME Super, hugely successful cameras which sold in great numbers -
along with lenses to match). Also, M lenses were mostly primes and we're
living in a zoom age now for the most part.

> In almost every case the "M" lens that replaced a "K"
> lens is not as well thought of.

Not always. The M300/4.0 is a good example of a stellar M lens, as is
the M50/1.7 which replaced the K55/1.8. 
I think there's more psychology than most people would like to admit in
the low opinion many people have of the M lenses: bigger must be better.

> Often, the "A" lens that replaced the "M" lens is better thought of.  

In actual practice, the differences are very, very small with the
exception of zoom lenses. No surprise here: The A lenses came when
increasing computer power made the quality and range of zooms improve by
leaps and bounds.

>I can't offhand think of any of the pentax legends that are
>"M" lenses only, except perhaps the 20mm f/4.

M75-150/4.0, M28/3.5? And of course, many well-regarded A lenses are
simply the same optical design as the M predecessor in different
packaging (50/1.7, 300/4.0 etc.)

I think the M lenses get neglected because they don't have the heft and
luxurious construction of the K lenses and don't have the "A" setting of
the later ones. They're kind of stuck in no man's land as far as panache

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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