After about a 10 year absence, I'd like to do some
wedding jobs again. ( I did about a half dozen
for money and got pretty good at actually after
reading several books and via experience). I quit
because I didnt need the money but that has changed
for me recently. I actually turned down a lot of
jobs based on referrals back then when I "retired".

My question for any of you still doing it is marketing.
How do I get the jobs?  Before it was word of mouth
friends, etc. But I need to do more than that...
Is it OK to approach wedding speciality shops
unsolicited to leave business cards? Do I create
a website, advertise in classified ads etc???

Secondly, since I didnt really want to get into it
seriously, I didnt keep a portfolio of some of my
wedding work and have lost touch with all the clients...
I have nothing now to show a potential client....

My 3nd question is what is the standard method of
doing the work today?  Back then I supplied myself,
my equipment, and the blank film. I charged a flat price
for those items and turned over all exposed film. That
was it...My clients liked it as they just got standard
4x6 prints as proofs and enlargements on their own and
it gave me far less hassle. Is that common way to do it? I think I would
still be shooting 35mm film, but I wonder if clients will
still accept that type of arrangement...

Any help or suggestions on the matter would be greatly

   J.C. O'Connell   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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