
On Wed, 8 Oct 2003 11:03:50 -0500 (CDT)
Your point that the M lenses have to be seen in historical context is
also valid. Putting M lenses against modern pro zooms or FA asphericals
is not quite fair. Compared to the primes and zooms of their day and the pro lenses of today the Ms are much smaller and for the most part competitive in quality.

May I add to this quite fine reasoning one more point. For a budget aware student of photography or an amateur shooter M lenses win hands down modern not f/2.8 zooms. They are smaller, faster, and better optically. I can say that except convenience my Sigma 28-135 el cheapo modern AF-IF-Macro-and-so-on zoom has no advantages againts M lenses with focal range with the same range.

Ultimately, M lenses deserve their place in photobags of many people here on the list.


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