This is probably OT since it's a Kodak camera, but it doesn't compete directly with anything Pentax has made except the stereo attachments to traditional cameras, so I'm offering it here before sending it on to eBay.

This is a Kodak Stereo 35 camera with original box, case, strap, lens cap, and instruction manual. It's in excellent condition and has a quality feel (for a 1950s Kodak camera) and works. The shutter speeds (1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/200 plus B) are probably each about a stop slow, but the camera turns out nice stereo slides in the Stereo Realist format (18 x 24, I think). Kit includes two boxes of vintage stereo slide holders, but not a viewer. This camera takes 35mm film, with slide film obviously being the choice for later viewing in a viewer (or for projection, for anyone who gets into those expensive stereo projector sets).

This camera has a bubble level in the viewfinder, which is mounted directly between the two taking lenses and lets you get horizons straight in shots where that's important. I'm also including the little adapter (see last photo linked below) that turns the odd Kodak flash contact into a regular PC connection. The camera doesn't have an accessory shoe, but it works well with a bracket-mounted flash.

The lenses are 35mm f/3.5 matched Kodak Anaston lenses.

$140 including shipping in the continental U.S., or make an offer.



Joe Wilensky
Staff Writer
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