On 11/10/03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] disgorged:

>> I bought a 2 year old Apple PowerBook for nearly £900. It was top-of-the-
>> line for its vintage. It had extended three year warranty on it. Since
>> I've had it, the (removable) DVD drive failed - it was replaced under
>> warranty. Now the Airport (wireless base station) has failed - a new one
>> is on the way. [...]
>Is this the same computer company called Apple that promotes itself
>with the top 10 reasons to switch? Reason no. 1 is:
>"The Mac - it just works".
>BTW, I have no interest in OS or Mac/PC wars. They're all as bad as each
>in my opinion. But I just can't resist occasionally poking a stick through
>the bars.

The DVD was an LG unit same as found in PCs ;-P

Airport Base Station was first kind and had a habit if blowing a resistor
or something.

Stick duly received thru bars ;-)


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