----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Alin Flaider"
Subject: Re: Whats up with the *ist D? (WAS: feature for digital camera)

> Pål wrote:
> PJ> Large volume
> PJ> DSLR is apparently limited for future Pentax DSLR's. My guess is
> PJ> that the *ist D is a loss leader like all DSLR's and that Pentax
> PJ> currently are not willing to buy market share. The *istD function
> PJ> is probably only to make Pentax present in the DSLR field.
>   So the *istd is just muscle flexing from Pentax to stop digital
>   defectors. No intention to get new users then... What an irony,
>   so the *ist d is targeted at the old users after all, but P also
>   cripples the lens mount to keep the same users happy. A true model
>   of coherent, goal oriented policy... but who knows, somebody up
>   there must love them (besides this list).

Were this really the case (muscle flexing), then the camera would be a true
tour de force, and would have full k mount implementation.
It would also cost less than a 300D.

William Robb

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