Pål wrote:

PJ> Not very likely I'm afraid. According to Pentax sources at this
PJ> part of the world, out of 14 000 DSLR sold about 40 will be *ist
PJ> D's. About 13 960 are Nikon or Canon models.

  That accounts then to what? ... 500 units per month? Are they hand
  assembled!? Then perhaps the price is right, it should even raise as
  the camera becomes the ultimate, rarest collectible. :oT
  Personally I find the figures too ludicrous to be true. But with
  Pentax anything is possible.

  Servus,  Alin

PJ> In addition, Pentax  
PJ> have apparently no plans to increase production so that higher
PJ> market shares are feasible. Hence, I doubt that we will see any
PJ> significant drop in *ist D prices. Also you should buy one where
PJ> you can find it as it will remain rare.   

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