There is a old wife's tale that on the MX the self-timer prefires the mirror. I just checked and it does not do so on mine. Of course the MX has no mirror lock-up so it is even worse than the LX where you can use mirror lock-up and a cable release.

mike wilson wrote:


Chris Brogden wrote:

On Thu, 16 Oct 2003, Bob Walkden wrote:

The one thing you _can't_ do on an LX.  I remember being flabbergasted
when I wanted to and realised I couldn't.  The lever goes in opposite
directions for the two operations.......

well, what a lousy camera. Makes me glad mine were nicked <g>.

I thought you could do this:

Lift & lock the mirror. This made the lever loose from the 'neutral'
position in the direction of the lens mouth, but you could still pull
it away from the mouth to crank up the self-timer.

Just tried it on my LX and couldn't do it. The MLU action (press the button and move the lever towards the lens) locks the lever. The only way to move it the opposite direction to activate the self-timer is to press the button releasing the lever, and this also deactivates the MLU.

My findings exactly. Thought it was my example but once I got an
instruction book (looooong after I got the camera) I noticed it
specifically says that this sequence of operation is not possible. Truly a useless bit of tat. 8-)


-- graywolf

"You might as well accept people as they are,
you are not going to be able to change them anyway."

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