> RS> See: http://www.henninger.com/library/hdtvfilm24/
> RS> The Fall of Film Production
>   I went to the theater to see the technicalities behind Star War
>   episodes presented as reference in the above link. I did notice
>   almost involuntarily the pixelization and general lack of details.
>   There's no real comparison to the film, HDTV is orders of 
>   below. All I read between the lines is convenience and costs cut. 
>   deliver crap as an inexpensive alternative is one thing, but to
>   extoll its virtues and push it like the only option is plain 
>   pursuit played on the audience ignorance.
>   I'm truly horrified.

Hi gang ...

Can't speak to HDTV, but the digitized movies that I've seen have been 
wonderful to view.  In the area in the US where I lived, numerous 
theaters project digitally, and the sharpness, clarity, and detail 
of what is seen on the screen is just superb.  If my experiences at 
the movie theater are representative of the quality in other places, 
all I can say is "Long live digital projection!"

Kind regards,


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