You know I've never tried shooting the cars in the  "action" mode.. I use Av
or Tv selections.... I wonder what effect that would have... With the FA
lenses sending Focal, Aperture and the DOF info, maybe it will be a better
program... One way to find out... I'll be along side US1 for lunch

Douglas E Harmon
----- Original Message -----
From: dosk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 6:17 PM
Subject: Re: ZX-5N AF

: Okay, what I seem to be getting from all of this, is that for moving
: it's best to use the ZX5n's spot AF, and save the 6 segment AF for the
: shots...
: I'm also wondering if some of the problems being talked about here are not
: simply DOF differences?
: ie; if the DOF is deep, then wouldn't focusing on the first of two fast
: moving cars moving within this DOF range keep them both pretty much in
: focus, and wouldn't a shallow DOF of course focus better on the first of
: these two cars?
: I would expect that DOF differences do not go away with AF use... And one
: would most certainly have the same DOF problems with moving targets as
: stationary ones, no?
: Skip
: > Eric wrote:
: >
: > EL> How does the wide
: > EL> sensor choose what to focus on?  Does it choose the nearest subject
: the
: > EL> focus zone?
: >
: >    Most of the time, but not always. It depends on which subject has
: > more contrast, if its texture fits the sensor orientation or if the
: > subject velocity allows the focus integration phase. Sometimes the
: > subject selection is not even reproducible in the most controlled
: > environments. Other times the central sensor seems to take precedency,
: > possibly due to being more sensitive or having a higher resolution.
: >    But what I suspect to be its main trouble source is the rudimentary
: > software which appears to be designed to cope with moving single
: > subjects, where all sensors cover the same subject at the same time or
: > sequentially.
: >   No wonder Pentax put a disclaimer in the brochure, admitting the AF
: > may fail with more than a subject in its range [!].
: >
: >    Servus, Alin

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