Common problem. My ME super was like this when I got it.
Sent it in for service, and it came back to me, good as new.
Besides a normal clean lube, and adjust, they "replaced a bushing" in the camera. Been working like a champ ever since.


Dale Halterman wrote:
On Saturday, I bought a used (obviously) but very
clean ME Super outfit. It appears there is a problem
with the shutter and film winding mechanism, and I'm
looking for some help.

First, the mirror is in the "up" position, that is,
when you remove the lens, you are looking at the
shutter. And the film advance lever appears to be
jammed. Nothing happens when I depress the shutter
release button, but the film advance lever cannot be
moved through its full stoke. At least not without
applying a lot more force than it I'm comfortable
with. The release button on  the bottom of the body
was up (depressed) when I got it, but I managed to get
it to drop by pushing it with the end of a paper clip.

So, any suggestions?

I only paid $20 for the whole outfit, including extra
lenses, flash, case, filters, and so on, so even if
the camera is a paper weight I should be able to sell
the rest and get my money out.

Would like to use it, though

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