So, today was the big day for my neighbour's grand daughter.
She likes weddings so much, she decided to throw a second one
for herself. Being as how it was for a neighbour and all, I did
the photography thing.
    I decided that I have all these LX's, so I took 2 of them,
and the MZ-5. Also, more lenses than I normally carry for this
sort of thing, and my venerable Metz 60 CT-2 and a spare
    We went to the bride's mother's house for a few pictures
before the ceremony, so I got a chance to use the 50mm f1.2 and
the 77mm for quite a few shots. We then went to the church,
where I set my wife up with an LX with the action finder and
80-200 f2.8 on a tripod in the balcony. I stayed on the floor,
using the MZ-5 with the 50mm f1.2 for the processional, the 77mm
with available light for the ceremony, the 35mm f2 for the
register signing, then back to the 50mm f1.2 for the aisle
runway shots.
    It all went swimmingly, and I had half a dozen shots left on
the MZ-5 after the ceremony, so I stuck the 20mm f2.8 on and did
a few pictures in the limousine.
      We shot the formals at the Legislative building, which is
a particularly nice piece of architecture, with all sorts of
marble columns and tiles and the like. This all was going
swimmingly, until the usual disaster struck. Every wedding I do,
something goes wrong somewhere. Either the bride calls it off,
or the groom is drunk, or someone's mother gets bit by a dog
(yup, had it happen to the brides mother at a farm wedding once,
she got chewed up pretty good too), or a camera fails. This
time, I was merrily shooting away, when suddenly, I lost TTL
flash. Bummer, I like TTL flash. So, I unplugged the TTL cables
and hooked up a regular sync cable so that I could continue.
Whoops, the flash was still firing at full output!!!! I had lost
all automation on the flash.
Super Bummer.
    Fortunately, I had listened to Mafud, and had bought Portra
800 for this one, so I just took the flash off the camera and
opened up a couple of stops and kept right on shooting. The only
adjustment I had to make was we moved to an area of the building
with a big north window for illumination. Thankfully, I had
finished the group shots, and was just working with the bride
and groom by this time.
Anyway, that my story, and I'm sticking to it.
William Robb

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