> Actually with print film you can miss by a mile and
> still get a decent print from it ( a mile to me is a
> stop ) with slide film miss by 1/3 a stop and your
> screwed. Colour print has reached a point where unless
> you study the negs you won't really know if your
> exposure is off, the mini labs always make that
> perfect print for you.

Actually, that's not correct.  The lab can make an acceptable print, 
but not a perfect print.  I recently tried an experiment based on an 
article I read in a photojournalism book, in which was shown a scene 
shot at varying exposures.  Being a skeptic, I took a roll of color 
neg film, made a reading off a grey card to establish a base exposure, 
and then over and under exposed for up to four stops in 1/2 stop 
increments, letting the lab make prints and corrections as they 
pleased.  It was clear which print was made from the ideal exposure.

Kind regards,


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