On Wed, 5 Nov 2003, Steve Desjardins wrote:

> I've read a lot lately about how the ist D undersharpens images.  What
> (in a nutshell) is the best procedure then, e.g., increase in-camera
> sharpening, use photoshop, etc?

Given the relatively little control availible in-camera, photoshop is 
probably the way to go if you've got it.  You can always undo if you don't 
like the result, which you can't if you are sharpening in-camera.

Note that for years I have used a fairly subtle unsharp mask on EVERY 
image I scanned except the ones from really grainy negs.  It is apparently 
standard procedure to compensate for the loss in sharpness produced by 

These days I'm shooting digital and only unsharping if the picture seems 
to need a little help.  I have a bank on my D1H set to low sharpening and 
3200 film speed for night games since you don't really want to sharpen the 
noise if you can help it--the *istD should allow the same thing with the
"3 users" thing.


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