Plaxo is distributed by Verisign and is a program that becomes part of
Outlook Express providing buttons on the top line for its activation. The
program automatically requests updates from all addresses in your Windows
address book. It's safe and secure. I haven't used it until now because I
thought people might conclude it was a virus attack or some other form of
mischief. But Plaxo has been around for some time and it very useful indeed.
If you click on the 'update' tab you'll see that the site is a secure one.

Now that I've seen the reaction of some of us I guess I was right. I just
deleted the first Plaxo messages when I got them. But then, after doing a
Google search, discovered what it was. But I still moved very slowly ...
after getting the sixth request from my friend in Bombay.

Plaxo is very useful and some, like me, find going through address books
manually very tiresome especially when there are *hundreds* of addresses.

Now I suppose someone will produce a Trojan or Virus that mimics Plaxo and
that will be the end of that.

Dr E D F Williams
Author's Web Site and Photo Gallery
See New Pages "The Cement Company from HELL!"
Updated: August 15, 2003

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