
Thursday, November 6, 2003, 11:10:00 PM, you wrote:

>> I'd imagine a hood for the M 85/2 would do the job. Try Jessops
>> Classic - you never know.

> Surely it's going to intrude at the corners? 

Not necessarily. These things are 'generously cut', as tailors say.

>> http://www.schneideroptics.com/filters/filters_for_still_photography/han
>> dbook/pdf/B%2BWHandbook_Full.pdf

> err, 9Mb PDF download.

Sorry about that - thoughtless of me. You can get it in parts by
following the menus and links from www.schneideroptics.com.

>> Or Heliopan http://www.heliopan.de/picts/Preisliste.pdf (p16, > 
> tele-blenden)
>> Available in the UK from Teamwork in London:
>> http://lw15fd.law15.hotmail.msn.com/cgi-bin/HoTMaiL?curmbox=F000000001&a
>> =25bf5528b7c2fbeeea6184c46873fad1

> This URL works better: http://www.teamworkphoto.com/heliopan.html
> I'll look at those. 

the B+W and Heliopan filters come in 3 lengths: wide, normal and tele.
The tele might be ok for a 50mm lens on a *ist-D. If not you can stack
Heliopan filters, so perhaps try a combination of wides and normals
until you get the length you need.

It should be possible to calculate with some precision the maximum
length of a lenshood for a particular lens and sensor size. I'm sure
somebody has the formula somewhere. Otherwise it's trial & error.

 Bob                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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