Chris Brogden wrote:

> I'd have a look at the Manfrotto 055 PRO, possibly with a 
> Manfrotto 488 ballhead if you like ballheads.  The center 
> column of the "PRO" version slides out and fits horizontally 
> through the thingy at the top, letting you extend your camera 
> out away from the pod.  I use the 488 head for my 67II, and 
> it's about the smallest head I'd use for MedF.  Likewise, the
> 055 is about the lightest tripod I'd use for MedF.  You can 
> spend more and get a heavier one if you want.  You can see a 
> pic of the 055PRO here:
> onid=2&itemid=766
> Right now I'm using a Berlebach 3042 with the Manfrotto 488RC 
> ballhead.
> The Berlebach is a gorgeous, gorgeous tripod.  They're made 
> in Germany from ash wood and are super sturdy.  The home page is here:
> There's a US importer here:

Thanks Chris,

That's great advice and I will look carefully at that. I have no objection
to spending a reasonable sum on a tripod; when I bought the one that just
demised, I was still at school. I now have a small collection of expensive
cameras which I wish to use and keep (!) and a decent tripod will minimise
any risk of damage - well, that's the line I will use when my wife says 'HOW


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