Graywolf wrote:
>2. You push the stop down button on the lens to the stopped down position.

Uh, there's a stop down button on the lens?

>How that works to take a meter reading is:
1. You point the camera at the subject.
2. You push the stop down button on the lens to the stopped down position.
3. You adjust the f-stop and/or shutter speed until the meter indicates the 
correct exposure.
4. You take the photo.

I was figuring:
1. set camera to aperture priority (Elan)
2. point camera
3. push button 1/2 way for metering -- to get what shutter speed it says
4. adjust shutter speed accordingly, since it will be basing the meter 
reading on the lens wide open
5. ergo, if I set aperture at f8 and the lens wide open is f3.5, then drop 
down the shutter speed by two stops

I mean, if there is an easier way I am all for it.

Marnie :-)

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