----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Madsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I am sure I will
> get dumped on for saying this, but I am surprised at how much Pentax gets
> dumped on in this forum.

Dinks don't like to be called dinks, and thus have moved one step ahead, and
employed this dink-protection method. Is this your first encounter with
post-modern dinks? :)

> I still think that dollar for dollar, pound for pound,
> they still make the finest cameras out there (and the finest lenses, too).
> That's why I use them.

Excellent lenses probably, but finest? You might be dinkyfied by some IS
enabled Canon users, while not to mention tickling a couple of Summicron or
Elmarit rich farts..


PS. Always wondered how accurate photodo ratings are.. the FA*80-200 2.8
didn't match up to Sigma's EX 70-200 2.8.. Anyone?

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