You're into the bits and bytes of it more than I am. I was hoping that, since the D100 and the *ist D both use the same CCD that the CCD itself would have a greater role in defining the RAW format. I guess that was way too much to hope for.

I don't hold much hope that Adobe is going to accomodate the .PEF format in either a plug-in or in their new PhotoShop CS. I fear that there may not be enough *ist D users to cause Adobe to want to support us. Hopefully, there'll be a major number of new folks purchasing the *ist D, because I'd be really happy to eat my words. Given the condiments of my choice, of course, and a good ale to wash them down. ;-)

* There's no place like

From: "Jan van Wijk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: And now: the *ist D vs. the EOS 300D!
Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2003 16:40:17 +0100 (CET)

Hi Leonard,

On Thu, 13 Nov 2003 06:20:01 -0600, Leonard Paris wrote:

>The only thing I
>guess we can hope for is that .PEF is very close to .NEF and, maybe, even
>identical. I'm not ashamed of using software written for Nikon if it works
>well with my Pentax.

They are NOT the same, for one thing they use different RAW resolustion,
Nikon D100 use 2024x3037 and Pentax uses 2024x3040.
Then the Nikons use compression and Pentax does not ...

They also use a different Bayer Grid pattern.

Even the Nikons are not really consistent, so their RAW software
probably 'knows' about all the differences.
Unlikely it will get to 'know the '*ist D'.

I got the info above from studying the sources for the DCRAW program, which is a commandline utility to convert RAW files from many cameras including the ist D, see:

A weak point in the software is that it does not interpret all of the EXIF
info (yet), most important omission is the camera's white-balance setting.

Regards, JvW

Jan van Wijk;

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