Hey, Tiger,

Welcome back. Nice to hear from you, and glad you're happy with the Starkist D. I don't have one, or any other digital cam, but the concensus around here seems to be that it's good value for the bucks. Unfortunately it ain't the cheapest out there, but it seems worth the money.

But, I'm certainly not talking from experience (which has never stopped me from talking before, BTW).


"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears it is true." -J. Robert Oppenheimer

From: Tiger Moses <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: I'm back
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2003 23:41:19 -0600

Been around...always shooting the Pentax (or my Russian cams),
but I joined back tonite because I got my new *ist-D next to me!

I am so pleased! Every lens I own will work on it! Rephrase, I can use every lens I own to take photos on it!

Ofcourse the A, FA, KAF, KAF2 work as expected.

My manual focus Tamron 300/2.8 works in A mode
with its matched 2X, it also works
and either way above with the Pentax 1.7X-AF - also works!

My M lenses work with just a tiny adjustment in the Custom settings

My Screw mount lenses work with the adapter

My RUSSIAN and Carl Zeiss Jena medium format lenses work even.
I tried everything from my Arsat 30mm to Sonnar 180mm & Sonnar 300mm and even my huge
Pentacon 500/5.6f worked because I have a pentacon to screw mount adapter that then works with my
screw to K!

My Pentax 15mm/3.5A worked fine, the Limited shoot beautifully.

I think its over priced compared to comparible cameras, but its the onyl DSLR with a K mount,
so its exactly what I need!

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