No an error like that ought to be worth $10,000 per photo. It should be so stated on your submission sheet. There is really no excuse for screwing a photographer (or writer, or artist) out of a credit. It costs the publisher nothing but a little tiny bit of care and effort.

Wendy, do you lose your copyright protection there in Canada like you did under the old laws in the US when that happens? It is a good thing they changed that provision of the copyright laws here.


Keith Whaley wrote:

wendy beard wrote:

At 08:46 PM 14/11/2003 -0500, you wrote:

Any one else have or had this happen. Do they really make amends in futre
issues or i'm i stuck with pages i cannot insert into my portfolio.

I just got my copy of the 2004 AAC (Agility Association of Canada) Calendar. I supplied two photos. Guess what. No credit. No chance of that being fixed!

An error like that ought to be worth a nickel from each calendar sold! <g>

Uh huh... fat chance, right? keith whaley

Wendy Beard,
Ottawa, Canada

-- graywolf

"You might as well accept people as they are,
you are not going to be able to change them anyway."

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